You Need To !! STOP !! Doin' That..Seriously

Yeah, so this is the era of digital camera's and social networkin' sites that allow to upload a ridiculous amount of all the moments one captures with their ever-so-fashinable handheld cameras.

So the idea is to create as many albums as possible so you and your mates can start commentin' and taggin' all em snaps to create unforgettable memories....but there is a serious problem... Everyone and i mean E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E has this idea that the only thing you can do once the snapper focuses on u is to throw up the infamous "peace sign", it seems like it's become a reflex. No lie, i was once a victim of this, but as time passed i realised that i have 10 fully functional fingers that can throw a variety of combo's to create my own UNIQUE hand sign.

With that, I present to ya'll that "ANTI-PEACE SIGN MOVEMENT". I urge errone to use their imagination, not to follow the masses, make pictures more interestin, dammit u spent 5k plus on that handeld so basically stop the madness..and I'm not crazy lol. im, just being real.

Tis Your Boy


Dare to use the other (8) fingers.

Rabdom I Know.


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